New Author’s Page for W.D. Nash-Fictionist

I just designed a new Facebook Author’s page for my Facebook followers. It will be similar to this page. Posts will be about sci-fi reviews, books, writing and promotional tips, and more. Head on over and let me know what you think.

Quick Video About Setting Up a YouTube Page

Part of branding is also having a YouTube page, nowadays. You could post video blogs to share with other groups that promotes your books. You could even do reviews of movies and books. There’s a wide range of things you can do with it.

Here’s the vid. Enjoy.

Colorful Word to Write Instead of Said

As we are writing our stories we often find ourselves typing “he said, she said, they said this or they said that.” Too many saids on a page will sound unprofessional. Also, you need to add some color, emotions, to what the character is saying.

In a lot of cases you can describe what the person is doing as they are talking without using he said. For instance…

Jack reached for the rifle. “You’re not going to make me use this, are you?”

But, if you prefer to use the colorful alternatives, here’s a list for you to look over.


Ways to add color to speech.